Veronika Munthe, Riris Aryawati, Isnaini
Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya,
change water quality is closely related to abundance
and compotition of phytoplankton so the
existing of phytoplankton in water can give information about the water
condition. The purposes of this research were getting
information about diversity, abundance, distribution, structure community of
phytoplankton in Sungsang water,
definiting distribution of physic and chemical parameter in the water.
The research about structure of community and distribution of phytoplankton in
Sungsang, South Sumatra, had been done
on April 2011. The research stations were determined by the Purposive Sampling method. The sample of phytoplankton was
taken by plankton net with 20µm meshsize. Identification of Phytoplankton was
performed by observing under a
microscope and using phytoplankton identification book in laboratory. The
result showed that phytoplankton which found were composed by 4 classes of phytoplankton,
they are, Chlorophyceae,
Dinoflagellata and Cyanophyceae. Generally, the
Genus that found was Coscinodiscus,
Skeletonema, Streptotheca, dan Desmidium.
The value of phytoplankton abundance in
each station are 48 cell/l up to 206 cell/l. Index of diversity (H’) ranged from 0,92 – 2,77, index of uniformity (E) ranged from 0,48 – 0,87 and index of dominance ranged from 0,19 – 0,66. The physic and chemical
parameters, they are temperature, salinity, pH, nitrate
and phosphate is classified as good, but the visibility and DO is classified as not good.
Key word : Structure of community, Distribution, Phytoplankton,
Sungsang waters
kualitas perairan erat kaitannya dengan kelimpahan dan komposisi fitoplankton
sehingga keberadaan fitoplankton di suatu perairan dapat memberikan infomasi
mengenai kondisi suatu perairan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
keragaman, kelimpahan, sebaran, dan menentukan struktur komunitas fitoplankton
di perairan Sungsang serta menentukan sebaran parameter fisika kimia perairan
di daerah Sungsang. Penelitian tentang struktur
komunitas dan sebaran fitoplankton di perairan Sungsang Sumatera Selatan telah
dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2011. Penentuan stasiun penelitian menggunakan
metode Purposive sampling. Sampel
fitoplankton diambil dengan menggunakan jaring plankton (Plankton net) dengan ukuran mata jaring 20 µm. Identifikasi
fitoplankton dilakukan di laboratorium dengan cara mengamati di bawah mikroskop dan
menggunakan buku identifikasi fitoplankton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
fitoplankton yang ditemukan tersusun atas 4 kelas fitoplankton yaitu Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae,
Dinoflagellata dan Cyanophyceae. Genus yang
paling umum dijumpai adalah Coscinodiscus, Skeletonema, Streptotheca,
dan Desmidium. Nilai kelimpahan fitoplankton pada
setiap stasiun berkisar
antara 48 sel/l sampai 206 sel/l. Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) berkisar antara 0,92 – 2,77, Indeks Keseragaman (E)
berkisar antara 0,48 – 0,87, dan Indeks Dominansi (C) berkisar antara 0,19 –
0,66. Parameter fisika kimia yang terdiri dari suhu, salinitas, pH, nitrat dan
fosfat masih tergolong baik tetapi kecerahan dan DO tergolong kurang baik.
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