Identifikasi Massa Air Di Perairan
Timur Laut Samudera Hindia
M. Albab Al
Ayubi1, Heron Surbakti1,dan La Ode Nurman Mbay2
1Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan
FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya, Inderalaya, Indonesia
2 Badan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kelautan dan Perikanan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Received 5 Januari
2013; received
in revised form 15 Februari 2013;
accepted 10 April 2013
northeast Indian Ocean is a region crossed by the monsoon winds and bordered by
mainland on northern and eastern side that allegedly the water mass is influenced by these two factors. This
research aims to study the vertical dan cross section distribution of physical
parameters such as temperature, salinity, and density and also to identify the
types of water masses in the region. The data used are the data of temperature,
salinity, and density during 2007-2010 is obtained from sensors located on
spacecraft of ATLAS Mooring. There are six stations located on the 90oE
and from 0-15 oN, with 4 year observation and there are 4 periods
each year.
results of observations of temperature on the surface indicates the period from
December to February and March to May have a similar pattern. While the pattern
in the period from June to August is similar to September-November. In other
hand, the temperatures around depth of 140 m to the bottom shows the same
pattern throughout the year. Value of the sea surface temperature of the period
from March to May is generally the highest. Observations of sea surface
salinity and water column generally are the same in each period, the salinity
values decreased from a low-latitude station
towards the high-latitude stations. The differences found are the highest
surface salinity values are more common in the period from
December to February, which is found on the station I and III. The result of
value sea surface density observations show a decline pattern of low-latitudes
stations in to higher latitudes stations throughout the year, or a pattern that
tends to the same of salinity pattern.
Analysis of
the TS diagram refer to Wyrtki (1961) and Emery (2003) indicates there are some
type of water masses, ther are namely the Bengal Bay Water (BBW), South Indian
Central Water (SICW), Indian Equatorial Water (IEW), Subtropical Lower Water
(SLW), and Northern Salinity Minimum (NSM). Those water masses is found in
every period, only period from December to February have differrent type of
water masses, that is the Arabian Sea Water (ASW).
ATLAS Mooring, Diagram TS, Indian Ocean, Water Mass
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